Nu Alpha Omega Chapter Membership
Nu Alpha Omega Chapter is comprised of college-educated women from diverse backgrounds. To achieve its goals and maintain its profile in the community, the chapter draws on its diverse constituency of women representing a variety of professions, including business, legal, political, media, educational, governmental, technological, entertainment, and healthcare industries. Many of these women have distinguished themselves with graduate and professional degrees as well as high achievements in their respective fields while still contributing to the sorority. Yet, the chapter seeks to expand its reach to more women who share its sincere interest in serving the community.

We are always happy to welcome returning members to active membership. Please email our Membership chairman to receive information on reactivation.
Transferring Members
Before transferring membership from one chapter to another, you must obtain the consent of your former chapter. The online Transfer Verification Form must be completed before transferring your membership.
Visiting Members
Chapter meetings are held on the second Saturday month.